There's also another configuration file for global settings, this configuration contains if some commands or system enabled or not.

SOYUN_BOT_TWITTER_ACCESS_KEY = Your twitter access token key.SOYUN_BOT_TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = Your twitter consumer secret key.SOYUN_BOT_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = Your twitter consumer key.SOYUN_BOT_DISCORD_SECRET = Your Discord token.SOYUN_BOT_DB_NAME = Your MongoDB database name.SOYUN_BOT_DB_CONNECT_URL = Your MongoDB database connection URL.logs.time - Boolean: show logs timestamp.nfigs - String: configs collection name.collection.stats - String: stats collection name.collection.market - String: market collection name.collection.logs - String: logs collection name.twitter.id - String: followed accounts id.bot.maintenance - Boolean: bot maintenance mode, will disable some feature if enabled.bot.author_id - Array: array of bot author id.bot.default_prefix - String: bot command default prefix.env for sensitive data, and in configs collection for global configuration data.

Local bot configuration data is located in 3 places, theres one in config.json for local configuration and. Do npm install to get bot dependencies.Open Node.js command prompt and navigate to your bot directory.challenges dailies and weeklies rewards and quests.Make a MongoDB database with the name you specified and then make these collections (check mongoexport folder).Twitter API Token - Guide how to get Twitter API Token.

Discord App Token - Guide how to get Discord App Token.The downside is you need to update daily, weekly and event data manually. If you want to host the bot yourself just follow the instruction below. You can invite Jinsoyun to your server by going here. Installation / Getting Started Invitation Url Time based dungeon access announcement (Koldrak).Daily, weekly, and event summary announcement on reset.JinsoyunĪ discord bot built for Blade & Soul's NA Server Noteable Features There's currently a rework in progress using the new Discord Slash Command feature, check it out here.