Please come prepared to present one of the approved identification documents as proof of citizenship or legal presence. If none of these apply then you can renew your license online, or by mail. Please visit FLHSMV’s Driver License Check to determine if you are eligible to renew or replace your driver license or identification card on-line via FLHSMV’s self-service portal at MyDMVPortal. When your current credential expires and you have already used the one-time “convenience” renewal option We encourage our customers to SAVE TIME and take advantage of online services.If you have changed your name since your last renewal (eg: by marriage or divorce).If you are applying for your first driver license or identification card.

You must visit an office for these transactions with the following required documents: Types of Florida Driving Records The FLDHSMV offers the following record types of driver records/motor vehicle records: 3-year record. You will also need proof of name change, if applicable (marriage certificate, divorce certificate, etc.). By monitoring your driving record, you can: Track your violation points. Specific document requirements may vary depending on the individual. For office visits, you must bring an original birth certificate proof of residential address and either a social security card, valid passport, or current identification card that proves your identity. What to Bring The Federal REAL-ID Act requires original or certified copies of certain documents to renew or obtain a driver’s license or state ID. Florida has documentation requirements for residents renewing or obtaining a new driver license or identification card.