How to use truck mods in euro truck simulator 2
How to use truck mods in euro truck simulator 2

how to use truck mods in euro truck simulator 2

Thanks to their work there's a new UI to help with mod support with the session browser showing what mods a server needs and there's an icon for servers in the list to show what has mods and what doesn't.

how to use truck mods in euro truck simulator 2

Speaking on their blog they mentioned the challenge of "profile recovery when a crucial MOD is removed or changed, and visualizing what MODs are missing from the Steam Workshop when players join a server that contains modifications". Not an easy task since everything needs to match between players and online support is difficult at the best of times for developers to get right. Now available in Open Beta for owners is the 1.42 update, which adds it the "very loud request" of mod support to Convoy.

  • Sort your mods in Mod Manager according to the required mod order below.SCS Software have begun expanding what's possible with the newly introduced Convoy Mode multiplayer in both their truck sims Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator.
  • You do not need to create a ZIP or SCS archive.

    how to use truck mods in euro truck simulator 2

  • Leave the folder you created as it is.
  • Perform step 6 and 7 on all *chassis*.sii files and save the files.
  • – If it’s an 8×2 or 8×4 or 8×6 chassis file, add this line: "/def/vehicle/realistic_physics_8x4.sui"

    how to use truck mods in euro truck simulator 2

    – If it’s an 6×2 or 6×4 chassis file, add this line: "/def/vehicle/realistic_physics_6x2_4.sui" – If it’s an 4×2 or 4×4 chassis file, add this line: "/def/vehicle/realistic_physics_4x2.sui" You can see the chassis type from “info” section. After deleting them, add the following line to it, depending on the chassis type.Open each *chassis*.sii file and delete all lines starting with residual_travel:.Inside the new folder you created, create the same folders as in your truck mod and paste the chassis folder you copied in step 2 into the **truck_name** folder you created.Navigate to Euro Truck Simulator 2 mod directory and create a new folder.Find def/vehicle/truck/**truck_name**/chassis directory from the files of the truck mod you’re using.You can use the Realistic Truck Physics mod with your truck mods by creating a small add-on.

    How to use truck mods in euro truck simulator 2