Like this, you can start up a household without fearing to be missing something, but every other building with extras you will need to place yourself. Meaning, there is a food-store, book-store and the cityhall of course as well as a school. There is also a picture of the island that goes for both City grades. All public lots of that map are still standing. (but I deleted the Sims) I really do not like big towns and I personally never played on Bridgeport xD but I do know that there are a lot of people out there that LOVE cities, so I figured for these it would be nice, if there already is a city-feeling but only without annoying EA-Sims in them. PLUS there are the skyskraper-properties still standing. Just klick to continue loading and the neighborhood will work just fine, it will only delete the buildings that you don't have the packs for. There may come the info that you don't have some aquired expansion packs, that is because I have careers and pets and others installed. All these buildings still exist - like a city just with no households. There all the buildings you need to buy your food, go into cinema, to the fitnessstudio or into the salon. More benefits: less lag, smoother gameplay, less stranger simsīridgeport - EMPTIED comes in four flavours: and for that I didn't really have the nerve to create everything new D so for you, I only cleaned the map off buildings. cleaned completely with no plants and what so ever. Once I found the Appaloosa Plains cleaned on here, but. I delete several households put in by EA to avoid lagging and also to avoid interference from households I don't know. Whenever I start a new neightborhood, it takes a lot of time to prepare the world to my likes.